Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mr. Carter

This is Taylor...I didnt even tell Steph I was going to do this..but I just wanted to let everyone know Steph, Corey and Carter are doing well. I went to visit them on Monday and made them some dinner so they didn't have to cook! :) I try to be a good friend. They have had tons of visitors, so I try to stay back.
But when I was there I took this picture of Carter in his swing for the first time....and his other mother Sierra :) She is so good with him--any little noise he makes, she rushes to him to make sure he is ok, then she goes about her business.
Hopefully Steph will be on here soon with more updates! :)





Saturday, December 6, 2008

Carters Debut

So my bestest friend is doing wonderfully and is now offically Mommy!!!! And of course...Corey the Daddyo! Mommy, Daddy and Carter are doing awesome. He is so, so adorable, and to looking at him just gives you a rush of emotion. He was passed around from family member to family member and friend to friend and never made a peep. He is adorable and when I left he was getting his bath!

Here are a few pictures for everyone to see, b/c I know you are dying to see what he looks like!!! I will either update more as Steph asks me to, or let her take over from here! If anyone needs anything and can't find Steph or Corey you can email me!

I think this is when they first got to the hospital.... :) I just love this picture!

Carter Benjamin Crutchfield!



Stephs mom and Carter




Steph and I after she had Carter

The Crutchfield Family!

Uncle Brian!! (Stephs Brother)

Steph and Carter!! :)

I will post more pictures when I haven't been up for 21 hours! :) But these are good ones for now, I think!

Hope I updated everyone enough today! I tried really hard!


Friday, December 5, 2008




Born at 5:00pm. He weighed 8lbs and was 20.5 inches long. And he apparently has RED hair. :) Steph is doing great, she called and was getting ready to hold him for the first time. I will post pictures as soon as I get home tonight!


Update: Progress

Stephanie just texted me and told me "Going to start pushing in about an hour." She said the baby turned and she is ready! Nick just called me and said the Dr came in and said "she is 8cm and going fast" so it looks as though we will have a new member of the Crutchfield Family soon!! :)



Here is the picture ((that Steph gave me permission to post!!)) from earlier when I was there.


Update 3

So I just left the hospital and sorry to tell you, but no baby yet!! teehee. I guess that when Stephs mom went to check on her, the Doctor told her to come back in 20 minutes, and Chris thought that meant baby in 20 minutes...but REALLY it meant she was getting her epidural and to come back in 20 minutes. hahaha! So baby....sorry for any disappointments!!

This is how steph is doing right now.....

*when I walked in she said "HI!!! I can't feel my legs...its awesome!" So she is feeling great!
* she is dialated at 5cm.
* baby is at -1 station (...that is negative one and this means the baby is high...they deliver when baby is at station 2)
*the baby is high and lying face up...this isn't exactly the way they want the baby to they keep turning Stephanie all different directions to try to get the baby to shift into the correct position! Lets hope the baby does this quickly!
*Stephs Doctor is supposed to go out of town at 5pm and stephanie is FREAKING OUT that she won't deliver the baby...I told her that I think when the time comes, I dont think she will mind who delivers! ha! :)
*she is comfy and was sleeping, when I left.

SO there is your afternoon update! I have to work...but Nick, Coreys little brother is going to call and text me to keep me updated so I will be on here to do so! I have a few pictures of Steph that I will upload onto here once I get to work and upload the pictures! (and don't worry. Steph gave me permission to do so!) I'm done working @ we are praying for a baby by then...and I will have pictures posted as soon as I can of the new family!!!!


update 2!!!

I guess that things have progressed a bit faster than anyone anticipated!! They broke her water around 8:45am, and she was doing great. NOW....Nick, Coreys little brother just called and said there should be a baby within the next half hour!! I'm heading to the hospital now! I'll keep everyone updated! :)


Update 1!!!

Hello to all of Stephys blog followers!! :) This is Taylor the best friend....and I promsied Steph I would keep everyone updated!

This morning at 5:30am I got up to do my every 2 hour bathroom run (i'm 31 weeks pregnant!) and checked my phone that had a text message that said...."I'm just letting you know, I'm going to the hospital. Contractions are 6 minutes apart. No lunch for us today!!" (we had lunch plans..teehee) So I texted her back and she called, she is doing wonderfully! She was dialated at 2.5cm when they checked her around 5:30am, and they decided to make her walk around. She said it was crazy pain and she said "I dont know why no one ever told me it hurt like this!" hehe. She is hanging in there! Around 6:30am they actually admitted her and she and Corey and tucked quietly in their room!! It looks like there will definitely be a baby today!!!!!

She just text me again and said "I'm 4cm right now. She is going to break my water when she gets here"

FYI, for a little later:

For those in town, she is at Community North Hospital. The labor and delivery floor is the 4th floor. Once you get to the floor there is a HUGE lobby/waiting room. They are STICKLERS with security and won't let you onto the Maternity ward without a code, but you can have them page the room and they can let you in, once they are ready for visitors!

Right now Coreys parents, brother and sister, Stephs parents, and Jamies boyfriend Justin are at the hospital hanging out in the waiting room. I've decided to lay low and only go when she is ready for me to be there...we dont need her stressed out anymore than she already is!! I will keep everyone updated as I get the updates myself!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Any Day Now..."

Well this might be the last blog I write before I become a mommy! Let's start at the beginning, well not the very beginning... but as of yesterday. I was at work and started timing my contractions because they seemed to be happening pretty often and they were about 16 minutes apart. The progressively got just a little closer to about every 11 minutes or so. I left work and so did Corey (he was freaking out) and went home put my feet up and took a nap. About 9:00 they just stopped. Nothing. All that work for nothing.

So today I went to the doctor for my weekly check up. Things are progressing very nicely and she said she was encouraged by my progress. I am 75-80% effaced and 2 cm dilated. She said she thinks I would be going sometime this week! I'm pretty stoked! Corey is excited as well. She told us to go home and walk, do squats (yeah right) and eat Don Pablo's. Can you guess what I had for dinner? Thats right, Don Pablo's.

Anyways, since I will probably be a little busy in the next couple days Taylor will update you by blogging on my account if something happens. So check back whenever you can! Hopefully we will be having a baby before too long!

39 weeks!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Fun!

I just figured I would put this up here for people who are far away. Corey got really excited last night and insisted I took more belly pictures so here they are. 37 weeks and counting! Almost done!!

Hahaha, the shirt almost doesn't cover my belly.


And here is the "picture" I made of all of your wonderful cards!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Well its not a tiny baby..."

We have pictures! So Corey and I went to the doctor today and had our second ultrasound. It was so exciting! The pictures/imagines were so much different than the first time.

When we got there she put all that fun 'goo' on my belly and started showing us pictures of our 'big foot' (you'll see later). She showed us the head, the belly, the legs and everything else. She also showed us the culprit of my heart burn. Apparently the child has a full head of hair already! She took measurements and the head is measuring at 38 weeks and the belly is measuring at 39 weeks (so apparently he/she hasn't missed a meal)! The kidneys and stomach are both functioning great and everything looks fabulous! I asked Cindy how things were looking and she said "well its not a tiny baby". She said that although its not set in stone, the baby is approximately 7 lbs 1 oz. And we still have three weeks. I told my doctor that I wasn't into having a 10 lbs child and she laughed and assured me she wouldn't let it be 10 lbs. In the midst of all this I actually lost 3 lbs this week which is strange, however with the amount I've been peeing it only makes sense!

So enjoy the pictures I'll try to point out what they are.

Here is his/her "big foot"

Now this picture is just the arm at the top and the hand is on the right side of the photo.

You can see the hair the baby has. It looks kinda like grass.

Here is a picture of the face, you can see the eye socket and the chubby cheeks!

Ok try to tilt your head to the right a little and you can see the baby's nose (nostrils) and mouth, then the arm/hand is covering his/her eyes and forehead.

Hand saying "Stop Mom, no more pictures!"

Now tilt your head again to the right and you can see his/her chubby cheeks, nose and little mouth. The hand is over the head again.

And here is the picture of the legs. It looks like he/she has its feet crossed at the right side of the screen.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Goodbye 36, Hello 37

Here I go catching you up on the last two weeks of my life...

Now honestly I tried to blog the other day but my camera was out of batteries (shut up Taylor) and I had to charge it before I could post pictures. But better late then never right? Last weekend was filled with activities. I had my last baby shower, Abby and Dustin's engagement party (love love love them) and Alex's Baptism. So we did a lot of running around but it was a perfect weekend.

The baby shower was thrown by Jan, Jamie, Aunt Cindy and Maddie. They did such an amazing job! However, we played the grossest (is that a word?) game in the entire world. I'm sure you have seen it, the 'melt a candy bar in a diaper' game. Pretty nasty stuff. I reassured myself that diapers don't really look like that but then my friend Shannon told me I would be surprised. But my kid won't poop. :) just kidding. Anyways, it was great. I got the stroller/car seat combo from the whole family, Mamaw had the most adorable diaper cake made and I can't wait to post pictures of it and tons of other things. Here are just a few photos. Mamaw didn't get to see the cake so I wanted to post some so she could see. I loved it! I don't know if I should take it apart or not. You tell me. :)




And I threw this one in too because we finally got it hung up and man wasn't it a chore. However, its pretty cool. Its our mobile that lights up, plays music and of course spins. But here's the kicker, there is a remote control that goes on the outside of the door that when the baby is fussing but not crying you can use the remote to turn it on without going into the room. Super awesome!


Then after the baby shower we headed for Cincinnati to Aunt Ann's house for Abby and Dustin's engagement party. It made me feel like we were back in Aunt Florence's house because of the wonderful hospitality and the wait staff that were great and very friendly. Abby didn't know I was coming so I strategically sat in the corner until she finally saw me. ahhhh... I love her. There were many toasts that night (hahahaha... you had to be there) and I think Abby had her share and my share of champagne/wine. Corey couldn't make it because he had to work but called to tell her how sorry he was and congrats (sidenote: it sucks he works so much but I'm thankful he has a great job and he is willing to work so much. i love him). I don't have pictures of this awesome get together because... ahhhemmmm my camera was out of batteries again. So all I can say the food was amazing (pregnancy makes me think of food), the company even better and the hospitality was out of this world. Job well done Aunt Ann. And I can't get enough of my Arenstiens (I missed you Jo Jo and David)!

After Cinci the next day we went to Alex's baptism. It was super small but very personal. Alex was like always... STELLAR. He loved it. At the end he was ready to run around with Addie, Hunter and Tyler but he was such a trooper. Here are a few pictures.

My beautiful mom and Alex before the shin dig starts!


"B" and Alex

Corey and I got Alex a ride-a-long Thomas and I think he liked it... :)


Anyways, sorry for the long post. I will try to post more this week. I switched to 8 hour shifts instead of 12 which rock in one aspect but then again now I only have 8 hours to do all the work/charting that I would originally do in 12 so there is NO down time. Three weeks from today!! I can't wait. Exciting news is that if the baby was born today he/she would be considered FULL TERM! (holy cow) The average baby weighs 6.5 lbs (I think this one weighs 11 lbs) and dimples are starting to form on his or her elbows, knees and shoulders! It is super exciting.

Two last things... My cousin Kareen who lives in Colorado is running a marathon of some sort today (I think its like 13 miles) and I hope everyone thinks of her today. Good luck with that one. I know how cold it is here and I can't imagine how cold it is in CO let alone running 13 miles. Thats further than my house to my parents! wow! And lastly... I love Taylor Swift. Thats it.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

35 Weeks and AC/DC

So this week marks 35 weeks. Its going well. I slept great last night, partly because of some sleeping agents (completely safe during pregnancy, its just Benadryl) and for the first time in 2 months I feel pretty well rested. Thank goodness.

Corey and I went to the doctor today and she said everything is progressing great. The baby's heart beat was 130 bpm. I will go back to see her in 2 more weeks and we will have another ultra sound and she will "check" our progress. Things are getting close!!!

I am suppose to go down to 8 hour shifts starting the week of the 23rd but I am unsure if I can last that long. 12 hour days are wonderful, however now its starting to wear on me. I am trying to cut back slowly but on my unit it is a lot of walking and bending and everything else. We'll see how things go.

Big News: Corey got to see AC/DC. This is something he has been looking forward to his whole life and it finally happened on Monday. I went as well, but by the end of the night I was so tired and I had a lot of pressure and pain (probably from walking and standing for 3 hours) that all I wanted to do is fall asleep. But I am so happy I went because the show was amazing. I've been blessed to see so many concerts and live so close to Deer Creek but this concert was probably one of the best I've ever seen. The lights were perfect, the sound was excellent and the crowd was pumped. I got lots of pictures so I hope you enjoy. The baby loved TNT... he/she started kicking to the bass. It was funny. Although Angus Young is not what you call... cute, he is one hell of a guitarist and I was impressed with how well he did live. Enjoy!

The crew before AC/DC, after a long tournament of Cornhole we learned that Josh and Ashley are absolutely unstoppable. They must play every day. Losers.

Rock and Rock Train...

I think they might have had some fun...

Love it!


Malcolm and Angus Young. Brotherly Love!

For those about to Rock...


This was after we dropped Nick off. What do you think, he's all tuckered out!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So this is what 34 weeks looks like...

So this is what 34 weeks looks like. Now the only reason I am sharing these "wonderful" pictures with you is because I have amazing family that lives so far away and haven't seen me since I've become pregnant. So hold on tight, here are some good ole belly pics. Laugh if you must, but I'll try to keep em coming! Sorry it took me a while to get these up. My computer is a little handicapped and I had to do this a crazy way, so enjoy!


This one cracks me up, the baby was moving like crazy!


Look at all the stuff!!


The huge picture on the wall is going to be a collage of all the baby shower cards I've gotten.


This pic is from my baby shower. The three pregos! Tonka is due 12.18 and Taylor 02.06


This is Chris and Jackson at Jackson's Birthday/Halloween party. Jax was Curious George and Chris was the Man in the Yellow Hat.
