Tuesday, August 12, 2008

23 weeks down, 17 to go!

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy reading these blogs as much as I like posting them. I guess they are just a little addicting. So new news, Corey and I got the nursery done (well as much as possible) and it looks so nice. Corey had some help from his dad and brother and Janice and I went shopping (my kind of day). She said we couldn't build a crib and not have a mattress so off we went to Target (Janice's second home). I promised pictures and I would never let you guys down! I told you the green is adorable.

Corey getting the pieces out of the box...


Corey in 20 years... hahahahaha they look alike


All the boys...


Poor Sierra...


Finished product, Corey's diaper bag is already located on the left of the crib. He's ready!



Coming Soon... Poopy diapers!


And lastly...


More updates for out-of-towners, mom and I went to Bubbie and Papaw this weekend to grab some tomatoes (I forgot mine on the table, boooo...) and there was Papaw on the front porch with 2 men and video cameras and microphones listening to his war stories. Its a great feeling to know that complete strangers seek him out to hear about how much of a hero he was then, and is now. Papaw spent the majority of the time on the porch with the camera crew and we hung out with Bubbie. She is doing great, walking without a cane and being honoree as ever. She was ready for the crew to leave. I can't wait to see the finished product and know that it is there as a reference for my children and their children for years to come.

Mom and dad are doing great. They are quite the golfers and try to get out on the course as much as possible. I don't like to lose and I'm kind of intimidated to play with them and get beat by a bunch of old timers.... just kidding!!!

Well thats about it, Corey and I are doing wonderful. Waiting for the next chapter. We are in week 23 and according to the Pregnancy Bible the baby is 8 - 10 inches and over a pound! Pretty exciting! I'll definitely keep you posted! Love always!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Kickboxing 24/7

So fun and exciting things are happening this week. The baby is moving like crazy. I've obviously felt him/her before this but these last couple days it has been moving non-stop. It takes my breath away every time I feel him or her kick. Its the most amazing feeling in the entire world. ahhhh happiness!

Corey and I have started on the nursery and it is looking stellar. We had lots of help so far setting things up and we thank Justin, Jamie, Brian and even Mr. Brian Turner (for building our little bookcase the other day). The nursery is in a "slimmer green" is what I think. You remember Slimmer from Ghostbusters, yeah that is what I think it resembles. Don't turn your nose up just quite yet, wait for pictures. After the room was painted and the curtains were hung and such I sat in the middle of the room and just stared at the walls and imagined every detail and how the baby will look and even imagine changing diapers on our changing table. Funny I know but so wonderful I can't wait.

Today was fun as well. I've been bugging Corey every day to rub my feet. I know gross, but still I am on them 14-16 hours a day and they hurt so bad at the end of the day. And even though he does EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE I was in desperate need for a pedicure. Taylor and I went and saw Tom at Hamilton Nails and got a pedi. So nice! Now we are going to the fair to see Carrie Underwood! Yay! I can't wait for a funnel cake or an elephant ear!

I will update again in a few days. I can't really concentrate right now, I'm watching a Baby Story and I am mildly obsessed. hhahahahah, talk again soon!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Oh look babe, it has a head!

First and foremost, welcome to my blog! My inspiration is my best friend Taylor. She is quite the blogger and I only wish I could be technologically advanced as she is! Anyway, I just figured I might as well do this in order to keep my family and friends updated with the wonderful progress of our bundle of joy on the way!

Most of you know Corey and I are expecting and I can't describe how excited both of us are to finally meet this wonderful miracle that is growing inside of me. Sure I have my moments but I was told by my cousin Jacob that I'm allowed to have them not only for these nine months, but also for the rest of my life because I'm a mom (well almost).

Anyway, the abbreviated version of the story is in April we found out that we are expecting and the due date is around December 13, 2008. Oh, I cAn'T WaIt!!! (can you sense my excitement?) Since then we have also rented a fetal doppler so in the mean time we can hear the baby's heart beat. Just recently (July 29) we had our first ultrasound. That's right, our first. We didn't get one to confirm pregnancy or anything, this was it. Needless to say we were counting down the minutes to that doctor's appointment. As soon as the gel was put on my ever-growing-belly and we saw the first glimpse of our child I began to tear up. Everything was, "look babe, it has a head!" or "look babe, it has a spine!" We both were just so elated at every sight we saw. As of right now I am almost 22 weeks, and every Sunday Corey and I sit on the couch and we read the Bible of baby books (really its just What to Expect When Your Expecting) about what we can expect for that week.

We both have decided that we aren't going to find out what the baby is and that we are going to be surprised in the delivery room. This is very frustrating to many of my family members (Jamie) and friends (Taylor, who also is expecting... we do everything together!) but it will be worth it in the end! How hard can it be...other people have done it, right Joni?

Well I know you all can't wait to see these pictures of the ultrasound so I won't keep you in suspense any longer! EnJoY!!!

"Here's Looking At You Kid!"


Strategically Covering up those "private parts"




This view you can see his/her ribs! I love technology!
