Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Any Day Now..."

Well this might be the last blog I write before I become a mommy! Let's start at the beginning, well not the very beginning... but as of yesterday. I was at work and started timing my contractions because they seemed to be happening pretty often and they were about 16 minutes apart. The progressively got just a little closer to about every 11 minutes or so. I left work and so did Corey (he was freaking out) and went home put my feet up and took a nap. About 9:00 they just stopped. Nothing. All that work for nothing.

So today I went to the doctor for my weekly check up. Things are progressing very nicely and she said she was encouraged by my progress. I am 75-80% effaced and 2 cm dilated. She said she thinks I would be going sometime this week! I'm pretty stoked! Corey is excited as well. She told us to go home and walk, do squats (yeah right) and eat Don Pablo's. Can you guess what I had for dinner? Thats right, Don Pablo's.

Anyways, since I will probably be a little busy in the next couple days Taylor will update you by blogging on my account if something happens. So check back whenever you can! Hopefully we will be having a baby before too long!

39 weeks!
